Management Tools

Management Tools

The BrandDemand system contains a suite of management tools to enable your central marketing team to control user access and efficiently oversee the marketing activity throughout your network.

Only users with Administrator access level will have access to these tools.

Manage Your Users

Manage Your Users

Quickly create new accounts for branches or individual users, control access to your system, assign access levels and settings to users depending on their role.


This feature allows you to check and approve artwork centrally, before the order proceeds to print. This feature can be disabled for experienced users who understand your brand guidelines, and enabled for new or inexperienced users.
Marketing Credits

Marketing Credits

Marketing credits enable centrally funded marketing initiatives to be managed in an efficient way. Credits are easily created and allocated against individual branches to use against their next order. Ideal for starter packs, to encourage the use of a new initiative or as a reward.
Reports & Analytics

Reports & Analytics

Access and download reports detailing your network’s marketing activity 24/7. Understand who is ordering what and who is not.